The Final Peice

Monday 29 November 2010

Overarching Plot

Location is the victims home
Two perpetrators are looking for something inside the victims home.
Victim is awoken by the shuffling of criminals looking in his shelves etc
He is currently unseen
Victim is hiding behind a sofa keeping himself hidden
The criminals move to him to finish him off as they cannot find what they are looking for, however they decide against it and walk away.
He sees a possible escape and tries to go for it, he seems to have escaped when he is suddenly pulled back and presumably killed.
The room is quite dark, no artificial lighting.
Possible ideas for the story?
This is our initial plan of our story
The first scene will be of an investigation of a crime scene. The main character will be a detective who is among the first few to investigate the scene. The detectives will be looking over where the bodies were left, thrown in a ditch.
The victim has an object in his possession that is of high importance to a group of criminals, However the owner is not aware of its value as it appears to be a common item. Two men from the criminal organization enter the owners home and hit him over the head. While unconscious, the men are looking all over his apartment for the item. The victim then gains consciousness, and the men are not aware of this. The victim slowly tries to escape through an open garage door, however he is pulled back just as he appears to have escaped and is then killed.
The criminals then return to their boss with their findings, he is unimpressed and demands they continue their search.
Goes back to detectives who are informed there’s been another murder, with the same MO, the detectives decide there must be a connection and decide to investigate. When they arrive at the scene they conclude that it must be the same assailants after examining the evidence. However they stumble across a broken bracelet, they discover it does not belong to the victim and pursue the lead.
They ask several informants if they know anything about the bracelet or the killings, the manage to discover a lead however when they return to their office they find their evidence stolen.

However they have already discovered that all the victims were executives in a well-known, reputable, business.  
They go to question the head of the business who has a well-established reputation as kind and generous. However as they go in they notice one of his bodyguards wearing an identical bracelet. When they confront the head of the business he congratulates the detectives partner on destroying the evidence which would have incriminated him in the murders and other dubious acts. 
The head then shoots both the detectives. Hours later the detective wakes up in a gutter, he resolves to stop him. In a climactic, explosive final scene he manages to stop the head of the business. However without his evidence he is convicted of MURDER.
What we hope to make the audience wonder is what relevance the item has to the plot, Why it is important to the criminal organization.
Music playing on first few seconds, no music playing during shooting to keep it as realistic as possible. Music at start, and over occasional credits, will have slow, low, beats
We want the viewer to feel as though they are the victim. 
Camera shots
Point of view for the first section.
Long shot at very start to establish location perhaps.
Zoom in to the window where the action takes place
For our location we are going to use one of our garages, which is where the incident will take place involving the burglars and also the scene with the detective. The garage will be an excellent location as it creates a dark setting and it rarely gets used which means that there shouldn’t be any disruption. There will be some problems that we will have to overcome however, such as lighting. The garage only has one window which means that there could be some lighting inconsistencies and we will have to ensure that it stays the same throughout each scene.

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